Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Who Stayed On Junas On The Em - 1392 Words
Four days later they, without Oââ¬â¢Donnell, who stayed on Junas to work on the EM device, made their way, with IQ and Screwdriver as guides, in a transport vessel towards the planet Kalos to inspect the battle fleet. None was ready for the incredible sight as they approached the planets orbital plane. The rate of the fleets construction was unbelievable. In four days, six finished battle groups, each containing three thousand battle cruisers, already orbited the western side of the planet, with at least thirty finished fighter squadrons, each containing five hundred fighters, orbiting its eastern side. IQ slowed the transport ship down and guided it into the planet s atmosphere before turning towards the Central Construction Headquarters. On the ground, the heavy rumble of industry vibrated the atmosphere like a constant thunder as they walked from the transport vessel to a waiting runabout. Everywhere around, androids worked at impossible paces as automated machines spun an d clattered. Above their heads, booms swished to and fro as they swung their heavy payloads from one place to another and, amidst all of this, loud orders cut through the dust filled noise like gaggles of tempered Geese. The loudest of these belonging to Sidebottom. ââ¬Å"Get a move on!â⬠He shouted, as he whizzed between the construction workers. ââ¬Å"Hurry with that Neutronic Booster! On your feet, it s not time for an oil break!â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll turn his head inside out if he doesnââ¬â¢t shut up!â⬠A voice
Monday, December 23, 2019
Affirmative Action Is The Perfect Plan - 1173 Words
Affirmative Action On March 6th, 1955, President John F. Kennedy signed executive order 10925 enforcing that government corporations not discriminate against anyone based off their race and skin color. This became ââ¬Å"positiveâ⬠discrimination otherwise known as affirmative action. Affirmative action is a method benefiting anyone who have experienced discrimination particular to oneââ¬â¢s education and/ or employment (Affirmative Action). In todayââ¬â¢s age affirmative action is creating ââ¬Å"reverse racismâ⬠due to colleges and universities wanting more diversity in their schools, setting white people at an unfair disadvantage. During the 1960ââ¬â¢s, implementing race-based affirmative action was the perfect plan, giving diverse people an equal opportunityâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦On February 2nd, 1948, President Truman gave a significant speech to congress in which advocated the rights of equal opportunities within diversity saying, ââ¬Å"If we wish to inspire the people s of the world whose freedom is in jeopardy, if we wish to restore hope to those who have lost their civil liberties.. we must correct the imperfections in our practice of democracy..â⬠(Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights). This speech played an essential role early on towards supporting equality between different races, ethnicities, and gender. The civil rights movement proposed the ââ¬Å"Equal Protection Clauseâ⬠and became the 14th amendment in 1955(Wikipedia). This policy defended black people from discrimination in any current day encounters affiliated to education and employment. President Kennedy signed this law, and was the first to label this policy as affirmative action in 1961. Afterwards next president Lyndon B. Johnson took upon affirmative action into his own hands. Johnson s executive order stated that affirmative action, ââ¬Å"prevented discrimination based off skin color, race, and religion by places that were given federal contracts and subcontractsâ⬠(Affirmative Action). Johnsonââ¬â¢s speech played a major factor by giving a concrete definition to affirmative action. During 1967, affirmative action widened its horizon to incorporate women of all race as well. Opportunities that were once prohibited
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation Free Essays
string(60) " energy ingestion records a high mark of 25 and ranked 1st\." Introduction The universe ââ¬Ës environment is non illimitable. The demand to take into consideration the sustainability of the illimitable universe ââ¬Ës environment has brought about inventions in assorted techniques and methods of doing certain the environment is good sustained. In the class of realizing the sustainability of the universe ââ¬Ës environment, there have been divergent positions on the definitions and accounts of sustainability. We will write a custom essay sample on Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brundtland ( 1987 ) is of the position that, sustainable development involves run intoing the demands and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to run into those of the hereafter. ââ¬Å"We all have an impact on the environment by the mere act of populating from daily, Whitelaw ( 2004 ) â⬠. This essay will take major stairss in turn toing environmental facets, issues, impact and the assorted statute law associated with them. STUDY SITE ( CASE STUDY ) The instance survey is a location in the University of Hertfordshire. This location is a level within one of the halls of abode, i.e. level in one of the inn adjustment. Precisely, kitchen 33, wide hall, bishop rise Hatfield, Hertfordshire. The flat is made up of 12 suites, with 12 residents sharing one kitchen, two bathing suites, three lavatories, a common step instance, and other installations put in topographic point by the authorization of the University of Hertfordshire Section ONE The survey site is affected by some environmental issues. The facets, issues, impacts and the guiding statute laws are tabulated below. Table 1: Showing environmental facet, issues, impacts and steering statute laws on the survey site, Kitchen 33, Broad hall. Aspect Issue Impact Legislation ( A ) Waste 1 Sewage waste 2 Plastic waste 3 Paper waste 4 Leftovers from nutrient 5 Empty bottles Waste production Waste disposal Waste direction job Environmental pollution Environmental debasement Loss of utile land Cost of recycling waste. cost of waste disposal The WRA 1991 ( H2O resource act ) : subdivision 85 Environmental protection act ( EPA ) 1990 UK WEE Regulation The landfill ( England and waste ) ordinances 2002 ( B ) ENERGY CONSUMPTION. High energy ingestion from 1.Electric cooker 2.Microwave oven 3.heaters in all suites. 4. Hot H2O from pat. 5. Electronic doors 6.Light bulbs. 1.Carbon missions into the ambiance. 2.Heat coevals 3.Climate alteration 1.Ozon bed depletion 2.Air pollution 3.Global warming 4.Loss of aesthetic value of the environment. 5.Green house consequence . 1.Kyoto pact 1997 aimed at cut downing the emanation of green house gases. 2.Environmental protection act 1990 ; UK parliament 1990. 3.Clean air act, 1993. 4.Town and state planning ( Hazard Substance Control Act. ) 1990. 5. Montreal protocol September 1987 6.Clean air act,1993 ( C ) NATURAL RESOURCES 1.Furniture from wood. 2.Use of tabular arraies 3.Use of chairs 4.cupboards for hive awaying nutrient. 5.Plastics ; waste bins, home bases, spoons, 6.Use of glass 7.micro moving ridge oven. 8.Refridgerators. 9.Rug rugs in suites 10.metal beds used in the suites. 1.Solid waste coevals. 2, Landfills 3.General waste. 1.Deforestation. 2Oxygen depletion. 3.Emission of C dioxide. 4.loss of utile land. 5.loss of universe ââ¬Ës biodiversity. 1.Refuse disposal agreeableness act,1978. 2.controlled waste ordinances ( S1588 ) 1992 3.Resouce recovery act 1970. ( D ) Noise This is any signifier of sound that is non endurable or that disturbs the ear or the organic structure in general. It could be from peoples raucous interactions, music, pealing telephones, closing of doors, interrupting of home bases in the kitchen. Disturbing stairss on the step instance by residents and visitants. Noise production Perturbations that wakes one up when resting or kiping Inability to concentrate while reading Unnecessary distractions by opening and closing of doors. Extreme noise could impact the ear membranophone The statutory noise act ordinances 2006 ( Tocopherol ) HEALTH/SAFETY Carelessness, non attachment to UH adjustment service regulations. The impacts could be hurts from the usage of family utensils Contamination from minor unwellnesss, e.g cough which is easy contagious The smoke-free ( premises and enforcement ) ordinances 2006. Health and safety act. 1974. Statutory instrument No. 2677. 2002. WATER CONSUMPTION. 1.Water usage 2.Use of chemical 3.Use of detergents 1.Chemical toxicity 2. Runing H2O from pat ( dripping H2O ) . 3.Dirty H2O fluxing through sink 1.Pollution of land H2O 2.Contamination of shoal aquifer 3. depletion of inland H2O beginnings. 1.Water industries act 1991, 2.Water resource act 1991 3. Land H2O ordinance act 1998. Section TWO Several environmental issues affect the survey site, wide hall of abode, kitchen 33. These issues include waste production, disposal, waste direction, energy ingestion, noise production, H2O usage, wellness and safety. The effects of these environmental issues vary in wide hall kitchen 33. A marking and ranking system was carried out to acquire the issue with the highest degree of importance. i.e, prioritizing the issues. Marking AND Ranking System:The ranking and marking system used in the facets and impacts analysis matrix Tinsley ( 2001 ) . 2.1.2 THE ASPECTS AND IMPACTS ANALYSIS MATIX For lucidity intent, a five point evaluation graduated table is used to sort each facet, environmental issues in relation to their corresponding environmental impact as: major, high, moderate, minimal, and low. Table 2.1: ASPECT CLASSIFICATION ( Tinsley 2001 ) SEVERITY/RATING ASPECT CLASSIFICATION ASPECT CRITERIA 1 Minimum No consequence of waste on the environment 2 Low Low consequence of waste 3 Moderate Moderate waste production 4 High High waste production presence and consequence 5 Major Major production of waste Table 2.2 PROBABILITY OF OCCURENCE:The chance or likeliness of happening can be ascertained from a mark of 1 ( less than 20 % ) to a mark of 5 ( 81-100 % ) . Tinsley ( 2001 ) PROBABILITY OF OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY % 5 81-100 4 61-80 3 41-60 2 21-40 1 0-20 Table 2.3 SEVERITY/RATING PROBABILITY ( 5 ) Mark Ranking 1 Minimal 2 low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Major Likelihood Of Happening Probability Multiplied By Badness Harmonizing To Mark value Table 2.4 PRIORITISING THE ISSUE USING SCORING AND RANKING Issue Badness Evaluation Probability Mark Ranking 1 High waste production 5 5 20 2neodymium 2High energy ingestion 5 4 25 1st 3 Noise production 5 3 15 3rd 4 Water use 3 3 9 5Thursday 5 Waste direction 3 2 6 6Thursday 6 sloppiness 5 2 10 4Thursday Table 2,4 shows that energy ingestion records a high mark of 25 and ranked 1st. It can be concluded that high energy ingestion is the major environmental issue associated with wide hall, kitchen 33. This is followed by high waste production, ranked 2neodymiumwith a mark of 20. Noise production ranked 3rdwith a mark of 15, sloppiness ranked 4h and hold a mark of 10 while H2O usage and waste direction scored 9 A ; 6 and ranked 5th A ; 6Thursdayseverally. Emphasis will be on the two most of import issues in this essay. 2.2 HIGH ENERGY UTILIZATION Major productions today depend on high usage of energy. The demand for high energy usage has been on the addition. Brady ( 2006 ) explains that energy use has led to the presence of heat on the Earth and besides accretion of green house gases. This affects climate alteration. Collins ( 1998 ) defines energy as the capacity to make work. And that energy could be in assorted signifiers. These include electrical energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, light energy, sound energy, possible energy, kinetic energy etc. The hall of abode ( kitchen33 ) is associated with high energy use. Among the issues prioritised on table 2,4, energy use scored 25 and ranked 1st.It is the major issue. Light bulbs are left on for a long clip, electric cooker is ever in usage for cookery and boiling H2O. A batch of energy is consumed through this procedure. Furthermore, the warmers in the suites are invariably in usage since the conditions is cold. The chief entryway door and doors taking to each of the 12 suites are electronically operated with the usage of cards. In the class of this, energy is utilised. The bulbs that light the transition are in most instances on, since no 1 is attached to the transition for adjustment. The showers for bathing, running lights-outs in the kitchen are besides beginnings of energy use. Due to energy use, clime alteration has led to sea degree rise. Sea degree rise could endanger the endurance of 1000s islands of whose highest points are frequently non more than a few meters above sea degree, every bit good as other low lying country ; with significant animate being and human population Vrolijk ( 2002 ) . In order to keep sustainability of the universe ââ¬Ës environment, the Kyoto Protocol set out lawfully adhering quantified emanation restriction and decrease committedness ( QELRSs ) for industrialised states, and targeted 5.2 % decrease in emanations from 1990, degrees for a basket of green house, by the commitment period of 2008-12, Vrolijk ( 2002 ) . Energy usage besides has a batch of impact on the Earth. The combustion of fossil fuels is a beginning of impact. Harmonizing to the University of Hertfordshire environmental forum, quality of life study ( 2006 ) , the primary cause of planetary clime alteration is the green house gas emanation distributed to places and industries into the ambiance. It went farther to province that, UK. relies upon carbon-base dodo fuels for the bulk of its energy beginnings. Coal and gas supply Stationss to bring forth electrical energy. 2.3 WASTE PRODUCTION/ DISPOSAL / MANAGEMENT Waste could be described as a substance which constitute a scrap stuff or other unwanted excess substance originating from the application of any procedure, Bahu ( 1997 ) p24. Waste includes points, stuffs that are no more in utile. Cope ( 1983 ) , defines waste as the merchandises, spent residues and discarded constituents of industrial fabrication procedures, which have no realistic value. What could be taken as waste varies with persons. Brady ( 2006 ) , states that human activities have the possible to foul the aquatic environment, for illustration domestic waste. Beginnings of waste could be ; places, fabricating industries, offices, dilapidated stuffs from edifices, , sewerage etc. The quality of life study ( 2006 ) , Hertfordshire Environmental Forum, states that, in 2005-2006, the entire waste produced in the state amounted to 2 million metric tons.Several environmental issues are associated with the survey site, a level in the University of Hertfordshire pupil ââ¬Ës adjustment. Waste production, disposal, direction are endangering issues in the level. As an country develops and population additions, the volume of waste H2O additions, ensuing in an addition in hurtful substances leaching into the local aquifer and pollute the H2O, which becomes insecure for usage, Black ( 1977 ) . Sewage waste are generated from lavatories, soiled H2O gotten from soaked pots poured into the sink constitute high waste production in the level. Furthermore, waste bins are in most instances overfilled and rubbish litters the floor of the kitchen. This is an environmental jeopardy which straight affects the wellness of the residents and the aesthetic value of the level. The pro duction of waste is so high that the Rota prepared by the University of Hertfordshire adjustment office can no longer assist the state of affairs. Traveling by the manner of the adjustment service ââ¬Ës agreement, the waste are supposed to be disposed off each twenty-four hours. But in most instances, waste bins are already overfilled before the terminal of the twenty-four hours. This brings in the issue of direction since the Rota does non work out the manner it was planned. In some instances the residents have to ââ¬Å"break protocolâ⬠by non waiting till the terminal of the twenty-four hours before disposing off the overfilled waste bins. In 2003, 43 % of the entire waste produced in the UK was disposed off in landfill site, DEFRA ( 2007 ) . If this tendency occurs really frequently, the universe ââ¬Ës environmental sustainability is threatened and the aesthetic value of the environment is compromised. There are besides waste from pots left for many yearss. The pots become smelly as some of the proprietors leave place for yearss. From the study embarked upon in the class of this work, it was found that ââ¬Å"miniâ⬠waste bins get overfilled in some of the suites. If sustainability must be embraced, so the flat in inquiry is yet to make so. From table 2.4, it is justifiable to state that, waste production with a mark of 20 and ranked 2nd is one of the chief environmental issue concerned with the survey site. Section THREE 3.0The two issues that were identified with the instance survey ( wide hall, kitchen 33 ) as prioritised in table 2.4 are: Waste production, disposal and direction. High energy use. The above mentioned issues are prioritised as the two chief issues whose impact are more on the hall of abode ( kitchen 33 ) . It will be of import to explicate and propose solutions to the jobs caused by these issues. Here the benefit of environmental direction system, if implemented will be explained to the authorization of the University of Hertfordshire. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Definition: Sheldon ( 2003 ) described direction system as a simple manner of traveling information around inside an organisation. He moreover states that, its map is to determine reaching of information at the right topographic point at the right clip for a good determination to be made. An environmental direction system takes into history organisation forces, construction, be aftering map, operation, procedure and even its accustomed pattern. As opposed to fiscal and quality facets, it is the environmental facets of an organisation ââ¬Ës activities, merchandises and services that are capable to direction, Sheldon ( 2003 ) . In order to accomplish consequences through the usage of environmental direction system attack, a policy frame work is needed. Jaccard ( 2005 ) , sees policy as, an attempt by public governments to bring on action, and these include ; information proviso, ordinances, revenue enhancement, subsidies and the determination to take direct action. Brady ( 2006 ) , defines environmental direction system as a structured frame work for pull offing an administration ââ¬Ës important environmental impact. There are a figure of international criterion to be met or pursued by administrations who intend to run within the environmental scene. ISO 14001 is the most internationally recognized EMS usher and it is one of the wide scope of environmental criterions in the ISO 14000 series. ISO 14001 requires organisations to use proper attention and control in covering with the environment and that, administrations impact on the environment should be controlled, Whitelaw ( 2004 ) . An environmental impact is any alteration caused the environment whether adverse or good BENEFIT ASSOCIATED WITH EMS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE The environmental issues and impact concerned with the University of Hertfordshire ââ¬Ës Hall of Residence ( Broad Hall, Kitchen 33 ) exactly, should be addressed. Here the nidation of EMS is suggested. With the usage of an environmental direction system, the needed legislative and regulative attachment will be implemented. This execution will better on the University of Hertfordshire, particularly, conformity with the assorted statute law that are already in topographic point. Ana EMS will assist the University save cost in the country of energy ingestion. An analysis of the benefit and cost realised from an EMS can assist turn to of import managerial inquiries, Yiridoe et Al, ( 2003 ) . The University, with the usage of EMS, could determine whether environmental activities have resulted in increased operational volume or lessening in operating cost. By affecting the full work force in a cost decrease programme, spreads would be bridged and encouraging consequences are achieved, Hill et Al, ( 2004 ) . The University of Hertfordshire could develop its staff in line with established regulative and legislative criterions to accomplish high environmental public presentation. In the country of waste production, the University direction should endeavor to transport out a everyday cheques on the suites and kitchen of the hall in inquiry. Adopting an EMS would assist the University embracing method of waste direction. For illustration, recycling of waste as practiced with the usage of incinerators can be adopted Hepbasli ( 2008 ) . Increasing the figure of waste bins on a regular basis or frequent disposal will be of import. Embracing an EMS by the University direction will assist work out job of such nature. It is besides recommended that, punishments be awarded mistaking residents who fail to adhere to the new ordinances. The UK authorities has a mark of 1,500MW of new electricity bring forthing capacity from renewable beginnings by the twelvemonth 2000, and estimations that by 2025, renewable may provide between 5 % and 25 % of current UK electricity, Hill et Al ( 2004 ) . This could be good achieve with the execution of an EMS. This will in no uncertainty cut down the cost incurred from over ingestion of energy in the level within wide hall of abode. Adopting an EMS would besides cut down the sum of emanations into the ambiance, since it will take to a decrease in the combustion of fossil fuels. Hepbasli ( 2008 ) is of the position that renewable energy offers a scope of benefit, such as, lessening in external dependance on energy and besides hike local and regional industries in the country of employment. The University ââ¬Ës corporate image would hold a face lift through the execution of an EMS. Adopting an EMS will heighten environmental public presentation of the University in the country of waste direction and decrease in energy use. The University may besides derive a really high credence and acknowledgment from assorted supervising governments and bureaus, Especially, authorities governments, holding been enhanced by following an EMS. When coal and gas are burnt for energy, C dioxide ( CO2 ) is released together with a scope of other gases including green-house gases, ( quality of life study 2006 ) . With the application of EMS, the decrease of energy ingestion could be achieved and more so, several attempt should be made to guarantee dependance on renewable energy beginning. A good implemented EMS will be utile in this way. Making certain that occupant exchange off their electrical contraptions, i.e. bulbs, warmer, micro moving ridges, kettle-heater, and cooker etc in due times should be followed up. Environmental direction system can non be ruled out in seeking to accomplish a sustainable development. Decision: The being of adult male is dependent on assorted factors or phenomena. The environment seems to be the umbrella under which adult male lives continuously and sustainably. Though, accomplishing a perfect environmental sustainability is still being pursued, the environment is continuously faced with impacts, ensuing from environmental issues caused by adult male. Human activities are beginnings of environmental impacts. Since a sustainable environment must be achieved, persons should escalate attempts towards developing and protecting the environment.Adopting of good methods, techniques, and policies, for illustration EMS, is recommended to accomplish environmental sustainability. Mentions Bahu R. , Cretteden B. , Hara O. ( 1997 )Management of Process Industry Waste. Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, p207. Brundtland, G. H. ( 1987 )Our Common Future:The Report of The universe Commission on Environment and Development, Oxford university imperativeness Brady, J. ( 2006a ) .Environmental Management in administration: Evaluating Environmental Performance, the IEMA Handbook, p251. Brady, J. ( 2006b ) .Environmental Management in administration: Climate alteration and energy, the IEMA Handbook, p364 Brady, J. ( 2006c )Environmental Management in administration: Key environmental subject, the IEMA Handbook, p366 Black, A. ( 1977 )Water pollution engineering. Reston publication. P220 Cope, Fuller and Willet ( 1983 )The Scientific Management of Hazardous Waste. Cambridge University Press. Collins G. ( 1998 ) English lexicon, new edition. Harper Collins publication. p182 Defra ( 2007 )Sustainable development indexs in your pocket: Department of nutrient and rural personal businesss, London, p43 Hertfordshire Environmental Forum ( 2006 ) . Quality of life study p39 Hepbasli, A. ( 2008 ) A cardinal reappraisal on energetic and appraisal of renewable energy beginning for the hereafter.Renewable and sustainable energy reappraisal.12,issue 3. P593-661 Hill, J. , Marshal, I. , Priddy, C. ( 2004 ) Waste decrease.Profiting concern and the environment.2131-36 Hill, J. , Marshal, I. , Priddy C. ( 2004 ) Energy coevals capacity.Profiting concern and theenvironment.2115-23 Jaccard, M. ( 2005 )Sustainable dodo fuels. Cambridge University imperativeness. p260 NetRegs ( 2007 ) . NetRegs: Environmental counsel for your concern. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.netregs.gov.uk/ . Site accessed: 9/02/2008 Sheldon, C. , Yoxon, M. ( 2003 )Installing Environmental Management System. A measure by measure guide. Earthscan publications, London, revised edition.p4 Tinsley, S. ( 2001 )Environmental Plans Demystified:A usher to implementing ISO 14001.Spon imperativeness, pp 240. Vrolijk C. ( 2002 )Climate alteration and power. Royal institute of international personal businesss. p3 Whitelaw K. ( 2004 )ISO 14001:Environmental System Handbook. Elsevier Butterworth, London, p 237. Yiridoe, K. , Marett, E. , Clark, S. , Gordon, R. , Duinker, P. ( 2003 ) ISO 14001: EMS standard enrollment determination among Canadian administrations,Agribusiness19,p439-457 How to cite Enviromental aspects,issues, impact and legislation, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Pit Bulls free essay sample
Dr. Martin Luther King once said, ââ¬Å"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their characterâ⬠(King, 1963). As members of the millennial generation, we are taught that it is unacceptable to judge people by the way one looks, dresses, or talks. So why is it excusable for you to judge my four-legged companion based on the way she looks, the way she is built, or the way her bark sounds? As an owner of an American pit bull terrier, I witness first hand how the pit bull is discriminated against on a daily basis. C. Audience Relation How many of you enjoy being categorized by the way you look? Just as we, as people, are evaluated, all animals need to be evaluated by its own qualities, not their appearance. D. Central Idea Today, I would like to take the time to refute the falsely made claims that have been made against the pit bull breed and provide you with some information and instances that will hopefully shed some light on their true character. We will write a custom essay sample on Pit Bulls or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will be discussing the decline of the pit bull, the biggest pit bull fallacy, and the role the media has played in tainting the breed. Transition: Letââ¬â¢s begin by discussing the decline of the American pit bull terrier. II. MAIN IDEA #1: The American pit bull terrier was once the most popular dog in the beginning of the 20th century, so what exactly went wrong? How did this breed become so misunderstood? A. Far from being deemed a ââ¬Å"killing machineâ⬠on four legs, pit bulls were once THE American favorite during the early half of the century. 1. During WW1, pit ulls were even pictured on recruitment posters and many pit bulls went on to become famous in the American military. The pit bull was the face of patriotism and was chosen to represent America. Stubby was a pit bull terrier mix that served during WW1 and holds the honor of being the most decorated war dog in US history. B. It was in the 1980s when the perception of the pit bull was smeared. 1. Regardless of being illegal in all fifty states, dog fighting made a comeback and the pit bull was the dog of choice. 2. They were also the preferred ââ¬Å"guard dogâ⬠for big time drug dealers and gangs. But why does this irresponsibility fall on the breed? Humans have bestowed this demeanor upon them, yet the dogs are the ones receiving the repercussions. 1. The pit bull is well known for its loyalty and desire to please. They continually strive to exceed expectations that are set for them, which is one of the biggest reasons they are preferred as a fighting dog; they will not give up. They will fight for the attention and praise of their owner. 2. Pit bulls are loving, tender, faithful, and they are protective over the families they belong to. We, as owners and pet lovers, need to take the steps to ensure the image of this breed is restored; We need to speak up for the underdog. Transition: Contrary to popular belief, the pit bull is not born with the mentality that fighting is the spice of life. MAIN IDEA #2: One of the biggest preconceived notions about the pit bull is that they are the most dangerous dogs in the world that run around wild-eyed and blood thirsty. They have been improperly labeled as vicious creatures that are incapable of love and trust.
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